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About CV Rags Limited

For over a decade, CV Rags has been in the business of ethical recycling of textiles. We work directly with reputable charities, schools, local waste management centres, and the general public to provide opportunities for recycling and the reuse of assorted clothing for men, women, and children. We also process assorted shoes and fashion accessories including handbags, hats, belts, scarves, and much more.

Our Company


As a firm, we are committed to ethical recycling as it is economical, creates jobs, and reduces waste to landfills. We believe that the reuse and recycling of textile materials create a better and sustainable environment.

Health & Safety

As a responsible organisation we acknowledge that occupational health and safety is a shared responsibility requiring the commitment of the company and its employees to ensure optimum standards of health and safety. 

Environment & Sustainability

Our mission is to protect the environment by diverting clothes and shoes from landfills thereby creating meaningful employment and market opportunities. 

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